06 June 2011

Heat. Rain. More Heat. Not Enough Rain

First measurable rain since January at my house. I've been through some droughts before, but nothing like this one. It's been hotter earlier here this year than any other year on record, too. After pampering the turf in the heavily shaded half of my yard for a few years to get it to fill in, I'm left watching it shrivel up and recede to expose the bare dirt again. No big deal, though, It'll go back to a wet cycle soon enough, and I'll coax it back to the lush green that I enjoyed for a few years. Good time for me to get my compost pile back into action to give the grass another kick next Spring.

The interesting thing I've noticed is that the cycles of my life seem to match the cycles of drought and flood; the drier that the year is, the worse it seems to be for me. Last year was pretty dry in this part of the country, and I only had a couple of refreshing showers in my life. This year, the spiritual rain has left my life, and I only have a lone sprinkler keeping my roots from shriveling now.

Makes me think of the line from a Caedmon's Call song..."The past can be like sidewalk chalk, if you will dance and pray for rain."

It's a tough tightrope to walk to look at the vast amount of evil being perpetrated in this world and pray for fire, and to look at my small desire to keep living and pray for rain...

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