You ever have one of those dreams where a real physical sensation from your body translates into your dream? I had one this morning; woke up thinking a cop was punching me. Turned out that my head was laying on my hand and I had a knuckle jammed into my cheekbone. Those kind of dreams are kind of funny; much better than the ones where you're flailing and throwing the covers around and you have no idea why. Certainly much better than the ones where you're dreaming that you're going to the bathroom, and hoping in the dream that you'll wake up in time.
I've got to make myself get moving and get something accomplished at work today. Yesterday was a nice day off to do some cooking, haven't done that in a while. I should have made twice as much tzatziki as I did; it turned out better than expected, and I'm going to be sharing it...somewhat reluctantly, maybe ;) In the absence of pita bread, last night I covered a flour tortilla with it for a bedtime snack. Perfect.
Stupid knee is still sore and swollen, so it'll be a naprosyn day for sure. I hope I don't have to get a steroid shot in it, those things stink to get. Sure is nice the next day, though.
I hope something funny happens today, I could use the excitement. Summer TV watching can be so boring with all the reruns. Even the new shows seem like reruns. The new season of Deadliest Catch seems so familiar...oh, yeah, it is familiar, because it's exactly the same as the other seasons! Here's a crab, here's a storm, here's some ice, here's us yelling at each other. Yet another reality show that has run its course in a short period of time. (I can't believe they're still running new seasons of that Survivor dreck.) Whale Wars could be interesting, just to see if the Japanese ram another of the Sea Shepherd boats.
I really need to get on Amazon and order the rest of the seasons of Dexter; that'll keep me well occupied for viewing for a while. I'd like to get a complete set of DS9, too. That's probably my favorite TV show ever. Other than that, TV is going to be useless to me until the new season of Fringe comes on. It'll be interesting to see how the new season of House works out, but I'm thinking that it has jumped the shark already. I don't have much hope for any good new programs coming out this fall since all the networks seem to be running some form of American iDull rip-off and more "reality" shinola. Have you ever noticed that the so-called "reality" shows are usually the most unrealistic nonsense you've ever seen? But the American public seems to love them, which is just more evidence to me that we're getting dumber as a society.
So very glad that I have a Kindle.
Shiny=up; greasy=down, folks.
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