01 January 2013

Fiscal Cliff? Fiscal Cliffhanger? It's Only Entertainment to Congress

If you think that one side or the other is responsible for what is looming on the economic horizon for America, then you're just another deluded sheeple, grazing on the flavor of pasture grass your chosen "news" network is feeding you.

Who is responsible for this sorry state of affairs? Each and every member of Congress...and ultimately, each and every idiot that voted for them...repeatedly.

You don't like what Congress is doing? Then why do you keep sending the same bunch of selfish crooks back to D.C.? Why? Because you like getting screwed with no lube.

As long as we can keep pointing the fingers of blame at the "other side", then we don't have to do a damned thing to fix our country.

Holding our elected officials accountable means holding ourselves accountable... and that's just not an acceptable option to anyone in the USA anymore.

Whatever side you fall on, the reality demands that we all fall on our swords to cut funding for our pet projects and positions. And if you have any sort of intelligence or a non-indoctrinated education, then you are going to have to be the ones to fall on your swords first.

The ignorant and unintelligent members of our society will never understand what it will take to fix America until they have to make a sacrifice... And that sacrifice isn't serving in the Military, it's sacrificing from your weekly paycheck, and your year-end net income.

What scares me most is that we just may have too many selfish idiots to ever overcome these problems without autocratic acts from our government.

And, frankly, if the people in America have become that stupid, then I'm well past being ready to check out of this gigantic clusterf***.  I'm sick of paying and paying for slugs that won't work or pay taxes. Those of you that do that continually and still expect more from someone else's work can go and FOAD.