Using a needle on yourself doesn't necessarily mean death and destruction, given the right drug in the needle...
I just pulled a needle out of my leg. Out of the big muscle on top of the thigh that runs across from outward to in. I filled the syringe from a vial, the drug oozing slowly into the barrel. Wiping my skin with alcohol, I took a deep breath and plunged the needle deep into my muscle. The drug entered my body slowly, with a great deal of pressure on the plunger. Al that remains is a slightly sore knot where the injection sits to work its magic on my body...
Dramatic words, huh? But really it's not a big deal. In fact, it's a whole lot better than getting a flu shot. You can even teach someone else to inject it in the gluteus, or even have it done at the doctor's office. The best part is that you'll feel like a new man the next morning.
Testosterone. That eeeviiill hormone decried by feminists for decades. The hormone that makes us men, and which will turn us into angry, depressed, tired slobs when it gets low in our middle-age years. A hormone misunderstood by almost everyone.
For the past 4-5 years, I've been depressed. No anti-depressant did anything to alleviate that feeling. For the past year, I've had absolutely no reason to be depressed; everything in my life has been doing well and getting better. Except for me. In spite of a fantastic new job and a wonderful woman that loves me more than I can imagine, I've just sank lower and lower. Fatigue dogged my every waking hour, even after plenty of sleep. Several times, I had been ready to just give up and give in.
A few weeks ago, I went to a new doctor and described all these problems and asked if I could get a test of my testosterone level. My doctor's PA (Physicians Assistant) felt that testosterone could likely be a contributing factor. After a confirmation of an exceedingly low testosterone level, I went and picked up my prescription.
I took my first injection one week ago. Overnight, (seriously, overnight!) I felt like I hadn't felt in years. The depression was gone, completely. Within another day or two, I felt more energy, and more interest in all sorts of activities that I thought I had grown bored with. The people around me could see the immediate change in my mood, and I could see an immediate change in, er, other areas...
For all of you men in your forties and beyond, I can't urge you enough to have this checked, if you've been feeling depressed, tired, uninterested, etc. Ladies, if you see these signs in your man, have him get checked. The solution is easy and inexpensive. A shot a week for a few weeks and then one every 3-4 weeks is a small price to pay to get your former life back. As big, tough, manly men, (in our minds, at least! lol) it's hard to even think that this might be a problem for us. But, if it is, there's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about, and you won't regret it one bit.
And once you see how fast it makes you feel so very different, you'll have a greater understanding and appreciation for the huge changes that hormone swings cause in the mood of your lady...
On the radio this evening, I heard the host describing a man..."He's been loved, he knows love, and gives out a lot of love; that's why he doesn't need a therapist." Truest words I've heard all week.
Take care of yourselves and your loved ones,